Rat MAOA(Monoamine Oxidase A) ELISA Kit

Rat MAOA(Monoamine Oxidase A) ELISA Kit

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Rat Monoamine Oxidase A (MAOA) ELISA Kit

EUR 432
Description: serum, plasma, tissue homogenates or other biological fluids.

Rat Monoamine Oxidase A (MAOA) ELISA Kit

EUR 454
Description: serum, plasma, tissue homogenates or other biological fluids.

Rat Monoamine Oxidase A (MAOA) ELISA Kit

EUR 609.6
Description: A sandwich quantitative ELISA assay kit for detection of Rat Monoamine Oxidase A (MAOA) in samples from serum, plasma, tissue homogenates or other biological fluids.

Rat Monoamine Oxidase A (MAOA) ELISA Kit

EUR 793.2
Description: A sandwich quantitative ELISA assay kit for detection of Rat Monoamine Oxidase A (MAOA) in samples from serum, plasma, tissue homogenates or other biological fluids.

Rat Monoamine Oxidase A (MAOA) ELISA Kit

abx256318-96tests 96 tests
EUR 904.8

Rat Monoamine Oxidase A (MAOA) ELISA Kit

abx155837-100g 100 µg
EUR 6075

Rat Monoamine Oxidase A (MAOA) ELISA Kit

  • Ask for price
  • Ask for price
  • Ask for price
  • 96 tests
  • 5 × 96 tests
  • 10 × 96 tests

Rat Monoamine Oxidase A (MAOA) ELISA Kit

abx155837-10g 10 µg
EUR 675

Rat Monoamine Oxidase A (MAOA) ELISA Kit

abx155837-50g 50 µg
EUR 3212.5

Rat Monoamine oxidase A (MAOA) ELISA Kit

AE34446RA-48T 48T
EUR 325
Description: Rat (Rattus norvegicus)

Rat Monoamine oxidase A (MAOA) ELISA Kit

AE34446RA-48Tests 48 Tests
EUR 325
Description: Rat (Rattus norvegicus)

Rat Monoamine oxidase A (MAOA) ELISA Kit

AE34446RA-96T 96T
EUR 610
Description: Rat (Rattus norvegicus)

Rat Monoamine oxidase A (MAOA) ELISA Kit

AE34446RA-96Tests 96 Tests
EUR 610
Description: Rat (Rattus norvegicus)

Rat Monoamine Oxidase A (MAOA) ELISA Kit

EKU05982-48T 48T
EUR 542.78

Rat Monoamine Oxidase A (MAOA) ELISA Kit

EKU05982-5x96T 5x96T
EUR 3683.15

Rat Monoamine Oxidase A (MAOA) ELISA Kit

EKU05982-96T 96T
EUR 775.4

Rat monoamine oxidase A,MAOA ELISA KIT

E1317Ra-1096T 10*96T
EUR 4122

Rat monoamine oxidase A,MAOA ELISA KIT

E1317Ra-48wells 48 wells
EUR 300

Rat monoamine oxidase A,MAOA ELISA KIT

E1317Ra-596T 5*96T
EUR 2061

Rat monoamine oxidase A,MAOA ELISA KIT

E1317Ra-96wells 96 wells
EUR 458

Rat monoamine oxidase A,MAOA ELISA KIT

JOT-EK1317Ra 96 wells Ask for price
Description: Rat

Rat Monoamine Oxidase A (MAOA) ELISA Kit

EKN47093-48T 48T
EUR 370.02

Rat Monoamine Oxidase A (MAOA) ELISA Kit

EKN47093-5x96T 5x96T
EUR 2510.85

Rat Monoamine Oxidase A (MAOA) ELISA Kit

EKN47093-96T 96T
EUR 528.6

Rat Monoamine oxidase A (MAOA) ELISA Kit

EK9952 96Т
EUR 799

Rat monoamine oxidase A(MAOA) Elisa Kit

EK720930 96 Wells
EUR 0.62

Rat monoamine oxidase A (MAOA) ELISA Kit

MBS1600317-10x96StripWells 10x96-Strip-Wells
EUR 3955

Rat monoamine oxidase A (MAOA) ELISA Kit

MBS1600317-48StripWells 48-Strip-Wells
EUR 305

Rat monoamine oxidase A (MAOA) ELISA Kit

MBS1600317-5x96StripWells 5x96-Strip-Wells
EUR 2005

Rat monoamine oxidase A (MAOA) ELISA Kit

MBS1600317-96StripWells 96-Strip-Wells
EUR 475

Rat Monoamine Oxidase A (MAOA) ELISA Kit

MBS4500895-10x96Tests 10x96Tests
EUR 5170

Rat Monoamine Oxidase A (MAOA) ELISA Kit

MBS4500895-48Tests 48Tests
EUR 450

Rat Monoamine Oxidase A (MAOA) ELISA Kit

MBS4500895-5x96Tests 5x96Tests
EUR 2655

Rat Monoamine Oxidase A (MAOA) ELISA Kit

MBS4500895-96Test 96Test
EUR 595

Rat Monoamine Oxidase A (MAOA) ELISA Kit

MBS2020562-10x96StripWells 10x96-Strip-Wells
EUR 5220

Rat Monoamine Oxidase A (MAOA) ELISA Kit

MBS2020562-24StripWells 24-Strip-Wells
EUR 355

Rat Monoamine Oxidase A (MAOA) ELISA Kit

MBS2020562-48StripWells 48-Strip-Wells
EUR 535

Rat Monoamine Oxidase A (MAOA) ELISA Kit

MBS2020562-5x96StripWells 5x96-Strip-Wells
EUR 2860

Rat Monoamine Oxidase A (MAOA) ELISA Kit

MBS2020562-96StripWells 96-Strip-Wells
EUR 705

Rat Monoamine Oxidase A (MAOA) ELISA Kit

MBS456291-10x96StripWells 10x96-Strip-Wells
EUR 4965

Rat Monoamine Oxidase A (MAOA) ELISA Kit

MBS456291-48StripWells 48-Strip-Wells
EUR 435

Rat Monoamine Oxidase A (MAOA) ELISA Kit

MBS456291-5x96StripWells 5x96-Strip-Wells
EUR 2550

Rat Monoamine Oxidase A (MAOA) ELISA Kit

MBS456291-96StripWells 96-Strip-Wells
EUR 575

Rat Monoamine Oxidase A (MAOA) ELISA Kit

MBS2703950-10x96StripWells 10x96-Strip-Wells
EUR 3060

Rat Monoamine Oxidase A (MAOA) ELISA Kit

MBS2703950-24StripWells 24-Strip-Wells
EUR 250

Rat Monoamine Oxidase A (MAOA) ELISA Kit

MBS2703950-48StripWells 48-Strip-Wells
EUR 325

Rat Monoamine Oxidase A (MAOA) ELISA Kit

MBS2703950-5x96StripWells 5x96-Strip-Wells
EUR 1595

Rat Monoamine Oxidase A (MAOA) ELISA Kit

MBS2703950-96StripWells 96-Strip-Wells
EUR 410

Rat Monoamine Oxidase A (MAOA) ELISA Kit

EUR 488
Description: sandwich

Rat Monoamine Oxidase A (MAOA) ELISA Kit

RDR-MAOA-Ra-48Tests 48 Tests
EUR 640.8

Rat Monoamine Oxidase A (MAOA) ELISA Kit

EUR 698
Description: sandwich

Rat Monoamine Oxidase A (MAOA) ELISA Kit

RDR-MAOA-Ra-96Tests 96 Tests
EUR 890.4

Rat Monoamine oxidase A (MAOA) ELISA Kit

RK07131 96T
EUR 322.37

Rat monoamine oxidase A(MAOA) ELISA Kit

SL0797Ra -
EUR 498

Rat Monoamine Oxidase A (MAOA) ELISA Kit

SEB954Ra-10x96wellstestplate 10x96-wells test plate
EUR 5552.14
Description: This is Double-antibody Sandwich Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for detection of Rat Monoamine Oxidase A (MAOA) in serum, plasma, tissue homogenates and other biological fluids.

Rat Monoamine Oxidase A (MAOA) ELISA Kit

SEB954Ra-1x48wellstestplate 1x48-wells test plate
EUR 562.42
Description: This is Double-antibody Sandwich Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for detection of Rat Monoamine Oxidase A (MAOA) in serum, plasma, tissue homogenates and other biological fluids.

Rat Monoamine Oxidase A (MAOA) ELISA Kit

SEB954Ra-1x96wellstestplate 1x96-wells test plate
EUR 752.02
Description: This is Double-antibody Sandwich Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for detection of Rat Monoamine Oxidase A (MAOA) in serum, plasma, tissue homogenates and other biological fluids.

Rat Monoamine Oxidase A (MAOA) ELISA Kit

SEB954Ra-5x96wellstestplate 5x96-wells test plate
EUR 3024.07
Description: This is Double-antibody Sandwich Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for detection of Rat Monoamine Oxidase A (MAOA) in serum, plasma, tissue homogenates and other biological fluids.

Rat Monoamine Oxidase A (MAOA) ELISA Kit

  • Ask for price
  • Ask for price
  • Ask for price
  • 1 plate of 96 wells
  • 5 plates of 96 wells
  • 10 plates of 96 wells
Description: Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay based on the Double-antibody Sandwich method for detection of Rat Monoamine Oxidase A (MAOA) in samples from Serum, plasma, tissue homogenates and other biological fluids. with no significant corss-reactivity with analogues from other species.

Rat Monoamine Oxidase A (MAOA) ELISA Kit

RD-MAOA-Ra-48T 48T
EUR 465
Description: sandwich

Rat Monoamine Oxidase A (MAOA) ELISA Kit

RD-MAOA-Ra-48Tests 48 Tests
EUR 613.2

Rat Monoamine Oxidase A (MAOA) ELISA Kit

RD-MAOA-Ra-96T 96T
EUR 664
Description: sandwich

Rat Monoamine Oxidase A (MAOA) ELISA Kit

RD-MAOA-Ra-96Tests 96 Tests
EUR 850.8

Rat monoamine oxidase A(MAOA)ELISA Kit

YLA0101RA-48T 48T Ask for price

Rat monoamine oxidase A(MAOA)ELISA Kit

YLA0101RA-96T 96T Ask for price

ELISA kit for Rat MAOA (Monoamine Oxidase A)

ELK4833 1 plate of 96 wells
EUR 518.4
Description: A sandwich ELISA kit for detection of Monoamine Oxidase A from Rat in samples from blood, serum, plasma, cell culture fluid and other biological fluids.

Rat MAOA (Monoamine Oxidase Type A) ELISA Kit

EKE62434-5x96T 5x96T
EUR 3124.08

Rat MAOA (Monoamine Oxidase Type A) ELISA Kit

EKE62434-96T 96T
EUR 657.7

Rat Maoa(Monoamine Oxidase Type A) ELISA Kit

EKF60592-48T 48T
EUR 396.9

Rat Maoa(Monoamine Oxidase Type A) ELISA Kit

EKF60592-5x96T 5x96T
EUR 2693.25

Rat Maoa(Monoamine Oxidase Type A) ELISA Kit

EKF60592-96T 96T
EUR 567

Rat Maoa(Monoamine Oxidase Type A) ELISA Kit

ER0340 96T
EUR 628.92
Description: Method of detection: Double Antibody, Sandwich ELISA;Reacts with: Rattus;Sensitivity: 0.094 ng/ml

Rat MAOA(Monoamine Oxidase Type A) ELISA Kit

SYP-R0348-48wellsplate 48 wells plate
EUR 180

Rat MAOA(Monoamine Oxidase Type A) ELISA Kit

SYP-R0348-96wellsplate 96 wells plate
EUR 220

Rat MAOA(Monoamine Oxidase Type A) ELISA Kit

RE3024R-48wells 48 wells
EUR 125.55

Rat MAOA(Monoamine Oxidase Type A) ELISA Kit

RE3024R-48wellsplate 48-wells plate
EUR 126

Rat MAOA(Monoamine Oxidase Type A) ELISA Kit

RE3024R-96wells 96 wells
EUR 161.55

Rat MAOA(Monoamine Oxidase Type A) ELISA Kit

RE3024R-96wellsplate 96-wells plate
EUR 180

Rat MAOA (Type A Monoamine Oxidase) ELISA Kit

MBS2533585-10x96Tests 10x96Tests
EUR 4060

Rat MAOA (Type A Monoamine Oxidase) ELISA Kit

MBS2533585-24Tests 24Tests
EUR 265

Rat MAOA (Type A Monoamine Oxidase) ELISA Kit

MBS2533585-48Test 48Test
EUR 450

Rat MAOA (Type A Monoamine Oxidase) ELISA Kit

MBS2533585-5x96Test 5x96Test
EUR 2265

Rat MAOA (Type A Monoamine Oxidase) ELISA Kit

MBS2533585-96Tests 96Tests
EUR 535

Mouse MAOA (Monoamine Oxidase A) ELISA Kit

MBS8804077-10x96StripWells 10x96-Strip-Wells
EUR 3130

Mouse MAOA (Monoamine Oxidase A) ELISA Kit

MBS8804077-48StripWells 48-Strip-Wells
EUR 350

Mouse MAOA (Monoamine Oxidase A) ELISA Kit

MBS8804077-5x96StripWells 5x96-Strip-Wells
EUR 1710

Mouse MAOA (Monoamine Oxidase A) ELISA Kit

MBS8804077-96StripWells 96-Strip-Wells
EUR 445

Human MAOA (Monoamine Oxidase A) ELISA Kit

MBS8804510-10x96StripWells 10x96-Strip-Wells
EUR 3130

Human MAOA (Monoamine Oxidase A) ELISA Kit

MBS8804510-48StripWells 48-Strip-Wells
EUR 350

Human MAOA (Monoamine Oxidase A) ELISA Kit

MBS8804510-5x96StripWells 5x96-Strip-Wells
EUR 1710

Human MAOA (Monoamine Oxidase A) ELISA Kit

MBS8804510-96StripWells 96-Strip-Wells
EUR 445

ELISA kit for Rat Monoamine oxidase A (MAOA)

KTE100677-48T 48T
EUR 398.4
Description: Quantitative sandwich ELISA for measuring Rat Monoamine oxidase A (MAOA) in samples from cell culture supernatants, serum, whole blood, plasma and other biological fluids.

ELISA kit for Rat Monoamine oxidase A (MAOA)

KTE100677-5platesof96wells 5 plates of 96 wells
EUR 2538
Description: Quantitative sandwich ELISA for measuring Rat Monoamine oxidase A (MAOA) in samples from cell culture supernatants, serum, whole blood, plasma and other biological fluids.

ELISA kit for Rat Monoamine oxidase A (MAOA)

KTE100677-96T 96T
EUR 646.8
Description: Quantitative sandwich ELISA for measuring Rat Monoamine oxidase A (MAOA) in samples from cell culture supernatants, serum, whole blood, plasma and other biological fluids.

ELISA kit for Rat MAOA (Monoamine Oxidase Type A)

E-EL-R2563 1 plate of 96 wells
EUR 640.8
Description: A sandwich ELISA kit for quantitative measurement of Rat MAOA (Monoamine Oxidase Type A) in samples from Serum, Plasma, Cell supernatant

Rat Monoamine Oxidase Type A (MAOA) ELISA Kit

  • Ask for price
  • Ask for price
  • Ask for price
  • 96 tests
  • 5 × 96 tests
  • 10 × 96 tests

Maoa (untagged) - Rat monoamine oxidase A (Maoa)

RN216851 10 µg Ask for price

Rat monoamine oxidase A, MAOA GENLISA ELISA

KLR1317 1 x 96 wells
EUR 341

Cow Monoamine Oxidase A (MAOA) ELISA Kit

abx513637-96tests 96 tests
EUR 687.5

Dog Monoamine Oxidase A (MAOA) ELISA Kit

abx513638-96tests 96 tests
EUR 687.5

Pig Monoamine Oxidase A (MAOA) ELISA Kit

abx361118-100g 100 µg
EUR 687.5

Pig Monoamine Oxidase A (MAOA) ELISA Kit

abx361118-96tests 96 tests
EUR 990

Pig Monoamine oxidase A (MAOA) ELISA Kit

AE34447PI-48T 48T
EUR 360
Description: Pig (Sus scrofa; Porcine)

Pig Monoamine oxidase A (MAOA) ELISA Kit

AE34447PI-48Tests 48 Tests
EUR 360
Description: Pig (Sus scrofa; Porcine)

Pig Monoamine oxidase A (MAOA) ELISA Kit

AE34447PI-96T 96T
EUR 680
Description: Pig (Sus scrofa; Porcine)

Pig Monoamine oxidase A (MAOA) ELISA Kit

AE34447PI-96Tests 96 Tests
EUR 680
Description: Pig (Sus scrofa; Porcine)

Pig Monoamine oxidase A (MAOA) ELISA Kit

EK9953 96Т
EUR 799

Pig Monoamine oxidase A (MAOA) ELISA Kit

MBS2803608-10x96StripWells 10x96-Strip-Wells
EUR 6840

Pig Monoamine oxidase A (MAOA) ELISA Kit

MBS2803608-48StripWells 48-Strip-Wells
EUR 480

Pig Monoamine oxidase A (MAOA) ELISA Kit

MBS2803608-5x96StripWells 5x96-Strip-Wells
EUR 3610

Pig Monoamine oxidase A (MAOA) ELISA Kit

MBS2803608-96StripWells 96-Strip-Wells
EUR 805

ELISA Kit for Monoamine Oxidase A (MAOA)

SEB954Hu 96Т
EUR 700

ELISA Kit for Monoamine Oxidase A (MAOA)

SEB954Mu 96Т
EUR 684

ELISA Kit for Monoamine Oxidase A (MAOA)

SEB954Ra 96Т
EUR 684

Rat Monoamine Oxidase A (MAOA) CLIA Kit

  • Ask for price
  • Ask for price
  • Ask for price
  • 96 tests
  • 5 × 96 tests
  • 10 × 96 tests

Human monoamine oxidase A,MAOA ELISA Kit

201-12-1985 96 tests
EUR 528
Description: A quantitative ELISA kit for measuring Human in samples from biological fluids.

Human Monoamine Oxidase A (MAOA) ELISA Kit

abx576761-96tests 96 tests
EUR 943.2

Mouse Monoamine Oxidase A (MAOA) ELISA Kit

abx576762-96tests 96 tests
EUR 848.4

Human Monoamine Oxidase A (MAOA) ELISA Kit

EUR 441
Description: serum, plasma, tissue homogenates or other biological fluids.

Mouse Monoamine Oxidase A (MAOA) ELISA Kit

EUR 432
Description: serum, plasma, tissue homogenates or other biological fluids.

Human Monoamine Oxidase A (MAOA) ELISA Kit

EUR 463
Description: serum, plasma, tissue homogenates or other biological fluids.

Human Monoamine Oxidase A (MAOA) ELISA Kit

EUR 620.4
Description: A sandwich quantitative ELISA assay kit for detection of Human Monoamine Oxidase A (MAOA) in samples from serum, plasma, tissue homogenates or other biological fluids.

Human Monoamine Oxidase A (MAOA) ELISA Kit

EUR 807.6
Description: A sandwich quantitative ELISA assay kit for detection of Human Monoamine Oxidase A (MAOA) in samples from serum, plasma, tissue homogenates or other biological fluids.

Mouse Monoamine Oxidase A (MAOA) ELISA Kit

EUR 454
Description: serum, plasma, tissue homogenates or other biological fluids.

Mouse Monoamine Oxidase A (MAOA) ELISA Kit

EUR 609.6
Description: A sandwich quantitative ELISA assay kit for detection of Mouse Monoamine Oxidase A (MAOA) in samples from serum, plasma, tissue homogenates or other biological fluids.

Mouse Monoamine Oxidase A (MAOA) ELISA Kit

EUR 793.2
Description: A sandwich quantitative ELISA assay kit for detection of Mouse Monoamine Oxidase A (MAOA) in samples from serum, plasma, tissue homogenates or other biological fluids.

Human Monoamine Oxidase A (MAOA) ELISA Kit

abx253949-96tests 96 tests
EUR 562.5

Mouse Monoamine Oxidase A (MAOA) ELISA Kit

abx254785-96tests 96 tests
EUR 562.5

Human Monoamine Oxidase A (MAOA) ELISA Kit

  • Ask for price
  • Ask for price
  • Ask for price
  • 96 tests
  • 5 × 96 tests
  • 10 × 96 tests

Human Monoamine Oxidase A (MAOA) ELISA Kit

abx258945-1mg 1 mg
EUR 6187.5

Human Monoamine Oxidase A (MAOA) ELISA Kit

abx258945-20g 20 µg
EUR 3275

Human Monoamine Oxidase A (MAOA) ELISA Kit

abx258945-5g 5 µg
EUR 687.5

Mouse Monoamine Oxidase A (MAOA) ELISA Kit

abx156816-100g 100 µg
EUR 6075

Mouse Monoamine Oxidase A (MAOA) ELISA Kit

abx156816-10g 10 µg
EUR 675

Mouse Monoamine Oxidase A (MAOA) ELISA Kit

abx156816-50g 50 µg
EUR 3212.5

Sheep Monoamine oxidase A (MAOA) ELISA Kit

AE34445SH-48T 48T
EUR 360
Description: Sheep (Ovis aries)

Sheep Monoamine oxidase A (MAOA) ELISA Kit

AE34445SH-48Tests 48 Tests
EUR 360
Description: Sheep (Ovis aries)

Sheep Monoamine oxidase A (MAOA) ELISA Kit

AE34445SH-96T 96T
EUR 680
Description: Sheep (Ovis aries)

Sheep Monoamine oxidase A (MAOA) ELISA Kit

AE34445SH-96Tests 96 Tests
EUR 680
Description: Sheep (Ovis aries)

Mouse Monoamine oxidase A (MAOA) ELISA Kit

AE34448MO-48T 48T
EUR 325
Description: Mouse (Mus musculus)

Mouse Monoamine oxidase A (MAOA) ELISA Kit

AE34448MO-48Tests 48 Tests
EUR 325
Description: Mouse (Mus musculus)

Mouse Monoamine oxidase A (MAOA) ELISA Kit

AE34448MO-96T 96T
EUR 610
Description: Mouse (Mus musculus)

Mouse Monoamine oxidase A (MAOA) ELISA Kit

AE34448MO-96Tests 96 Tests
EUR 610
Description: Mouse (Mus musculus)

Human Monoamine oxidase A (MAOA) ELISA Kit

AE34449HU-48T 48T
EUR 360
Description: Human (Homo sapiens)

Human Monoamine oxidase A (MAOA) ELISA Kit

AE34449HU-48Tests 48 Tests
EUR 360
Description: Human (Homo sapiens)

Human Monoamine oxidase A (MAOA) ELISA Kit

AE34449HU-96T 96T
EUR 680
Description: Human (Homo sapiens)

Human Monoamine oxidase A (MAOA) ELISA Kit

AE34449HU-96Tests 96 Tests
EUR 680
Description: Human (Homo sapiens)

Horse Monoamine oxidase A (MAOA) ELISA Kit

AE34450HO-48T 48T
EUR 360
Description: Horse (Equus caballus; Equine)

Horse Monoamine oxidase A (MAOA) ELISA Kit

AE34450HO-48Tests 48 Tests
EUR 360
Description: Horse (Equus caballus; Equine)

Horse Monoamine oxidase A (MAOA) ELISA Kit

AE34450HO-96T 96T
EUR 680
Description: Horse (Equus caballus; Equine)

Horse Monoamine oxidase A (MAOA) ELISA Kit

AE34450HO-96Tests 96 Tests
EUR 680
Description: Horse (Equus caballus; Equine)

Mouse monoamine oxidase A(MAOA)ELISA Kit    

GA-E0613MS-48T 48T
EUR 403.2

Mouse monoamine oxidase A(MAOA)ELISA Kit    

GA-E0613MS-48Tests 48 Tests Ask for price

Mouse monoamine oxidase A(MAOA)ELISA Kit    

GA-E0613MS-96T 96T
EUR 640.8

Mouse monoamine oxidase A(MAOA)ELISA Kit    

GA-E0613MS-96Tests 96 Tests
EUR 460

Human Monoamine Oxidase A (MAOA) ELISA Kit

EKU11288-48T 48T
EUR 555.66

Human Monoamine Oxidase A (MAOA) ELISA Kit

EKU11288-5x96T 5x96T
EUR 3770.55

Human Monoamine Oxidase A (MAOA) ELISA Kit

EKU11288-96T 96T
EUR 793.8

Mouse Monoamine Oxidase A (MAOA) ELISA Kit

EKU08424-48T 48T
EUR 542.78

Rat MAOA(Monoamine Oxidase A) ELISA Kit